29 March, 2009

procrastination is my middle name...

Wow! I am so good at putting things off. I might even say I am a professional. For days and weeks and months. I haven't put things off for years, except for the dentist only because it will be pricey.

Apparently not anymore though. I have gotten so much done in the last week and my list for next week will be accomplished as well. I am a huge list maker, so the order and cleanliness of lists makes me thrilled even if the items themselves do not.

So far these have been checked off or erased from said lists...
-get Tony's car fixed and pass emissions and new plates
-fix car window (kind of)
-make dr. appointments/go to appts
-deep clean/organize spare room
-return things of no use to target
-get passport with new name
-realize some cameras aren't fixable; sold on ebay
-finish last few thank you cards (finally)
-get backyard ready to till
-new social security card
-refinance house!!!
-plan tony's bday fun!

Of course I will have more to do on my next list. Crud! But I am proud of myself for now!

1 comment:

the binghams. said...

hey when you guys get ready to till your yard, you could always use one of these: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bLDXfYDAziI

if its too small then one of these: