06 March, 2008

oh dearest jane...

I am pretty sure that I am in love. You should know her. She is an author, wrote 6 books, and she is pretty famous. I can't help it... I love Jane Austen! She is fantastic. It is pretty sad that I love someone and I have never read one of her books. But, fear not, I just started Emma today so I can now be able to really understand her writing for myself.

How can I like someone so much and never have read one book, you ask? OK, so since I am more of a movie buff than a reader, I have seen a couple of the movies made from her books and the stories have made the impression on me instead. OK so Pride and Prejudice (keira knightly), Sense and Sensibility (kate winslet, hugh grant, and emma thompson), made me love her novels via the big screen. I have also seen Becoming Jane (anne hathaway) which made me like her as a person for her struggles in love. And then of course the newest movie is The Jane Austen Book Club, which made me want to read them all and discuss them with my girl friends, oh yes, and one token guy friend.

I plan on getting the other books and reading them so I can appreciate them how they were supposed be!

Pick up a copy today at your local Library and then lets dicuss!

Holla fo JANE!!

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